One-time Gifts
Help provide hope and stability
At Manatee Children’s Services, we believe all children and families should have access to treatment, shelter, prevention, and intervention proven to help break the cycle of child abuse. Your gift will help at-risk and/or victimized families receive these essential services, providing them with the means to achieve stability and healing for a lifetime.
Your personal gift of $5 to $500 as a first-time donor may be eligible for matching funds through the Louis and Gloria Flanzer Philanthropic Trust, doubling your impact to Manatee Children’s Services. Restrictions apply, so please review the Trust’s terms and conditions to see if your contribution qualifies. Click here and select Manatee Children’s Services to make a gift through Flanzer.
Thank you for helping us break the cycle of abuse for all children and families in Manatee County.
Email us at for more questions, or donate online.